Friday, 2 March 2012

liege false event

liege false event (unfinished)

Thanks mate. It took a while to sink in but i can see it clearly now. Infact, it's laughable. I have already been threatened because of my opinions but i know i am right so it's worth putting up with childish abuse in the quest for the truth? and justice. I know and agree about The Giffords Hoax and there is The UTOYA ISLAND MASSACRE HOAX too. :-)
@LifePsyop you mean just like Oslo/Utoya & 7/7 & 9/11. And people did not know this, hence, the confusion, panic, and chaos.? Please join me in my other discussions about this, people will find this very interesting.
no sign of smoke, just emergency vehicles and their sirens. The Police knew his name so quick. They knew where he lived. Under so-called anti-terrorism laws they had the right to detain this man before he committed a serious crime. What is? the point of following him and then letting him go and do such a heinous act?
Obviously, this is a false flag or fake event designed to stir up racial hatred and fear in Belgium & Europe. No pictures of the gunman yet? And he was being followed by Police but no photos released yet? Very little footage from digital cameras, well, maybe people switched them? off while they were shopping.

@NikkiUploads so Nikki, who do you trust your own judgement or that of the? media? I am not a troll i only give my opinion. No-one died, so, why should anyone be upset? Where is your evidence? How would you explain this in a Crown Court? Would you just show tv news clips?

He is not known for any terrorist attacks but now he is. The Police knew him but they didn't know enough about him to? prevent an attack of this nature. Maybe Amrani was one of them?!!
one gun and? only 3 grenades? an amazing and tragic feat of logistical impossibility. So? he had a van which the police may have followed? He had no mental health problems but kept firearms in his home? No mental health problems, so, he must have been MIND-CONTROLLED!
@PurdyBear1 when we see the funeral of the alleged child in a little coffin then we can cry real tears. The terrorists wear suits and sit in parliament, wear crowns and robes and? sit on thrones.
@PurdyBear1 you've been through a lot! don't take it seriously it's just corporate? propaganda. Surely you don't believe everything you hear in the news? If you do, then, you don't have a mind of your own.
think? the parents of the 17month old child who died, know it happened.
Unless youv been in a situation like this, which I have, please keep you negative comments to yourself. Maybe when your on the recieving end of a gun or terrorist bomb you might be a bit more compassionate.
Try coming to the UK and London for a bit, and see how you far you get next time, or do you believe 52 people didnt die in 7/7 and the other terrorist and gun crime attacks we've been through.

No CCTV in Liege? Maybe it wasn't? working?!! Mobile phones not working!
Operation GLADIO ...? Google it.
Probably an anti-terror drill? they played off as real news you? mean just like Oslo/Utoya & 7/7 & 9/11. And people did not know this, hence,? the confusion, panic, and chaos.
"A Policeman shot a man dead" Good shot! He had explosives in his possession he was dangerous. Obviously, The Police were on the scene very quickly but not quick enough to stop him killing 5 people. "people were crying, they did not know what had happened". Maybe they did not hear the explosions but were running away because they saw many Police & Ambulance vehicles and would presume something very serious? had happened?
They? really need to find better voice actors to play these "witnesses"
The Police cordoned off the area incase anyone who is suspect could try and escape? Gaspard is very brave he stayed in the area, not running for his life like everyone else? and the policeman who would not know exactly what is going on was able to tell him what had happened.
So, The Police cordoned off the area incase anyone who is suspect could try and escape? Gaspard is very brave he stayed in the area, not running for his life like everyone else? and the policeman who would not know exactly what is going on was able to tell him what had happened
@rebelsoulkd I appreciate that my friend, all of us on? here are just speculating anyway. There are no rules to the forum people should make up their own minds using intellect and intuition. I am just trying to wake people up to the truth. I am an honest person, i have no agenda but to find the truth. Do you have a Mortgage? If so, are you aware that it is and in many cases a fraudulent scam? If you have a freehold property you may be able to claim the land called an EASEMENT outside front

ll the members of the table(except one) had hands clasped in a defensive position, classic body language traits of a guilty person who is hiding the truth. I look forward to any further conferences with more information collated. And if justice prevails we see a Trial under? oath TELEVISED WORLDWIDE.

She says he had a gun (a rifle) and a machine gun and? grenades. It's funny that nobody has described what the man was wearing if he was hiding guns in his clothing.
The? lady spokesperson is flanked by two gentleman in suits, why are they there at the conference? Are they there to show solidarity and to back up the official story. Their body language suggests they have somrthing to hide. Watch the eyes of the man on the right and his hands are crossed tight.

 NO HELICOPTERS IN BELGIUM??? No-one died it's all fake. An anti terror drill passed off as? real news. WONT GET FOOLED AGAIN?!! OH YES, YOU HAVE BEEN FOOLED.

am English i detest any racial hatred of any ethnic groups. I detest the governments of Nato who slaughter innocent civilians in the name of peace and in the name of oil. Our own governments with endless policies designed to destroy our? family values, our economy and install their outdated democracy on the unsuspecting people of Africa & The Middle East. I detest lies and falseness, i approve of free speech and equality. end of part one.MORE
According to Western Media (belgian included) the media who lied about 9/11, Afghanistan, Monsanto, Utoya Island Massacre, The vietnam War are to be trusted to convey the truth to an obedient population. The names of the victims and the photos are not those of the alleged victims they are only hearsay. The evidence provided to prove that a crime was committed would not stand up in court. Trial by Media has no place? in modern society but Common Law has in all countries. end of part two MORE
There are very few photos of the alleged gunman and only one picture of his dead body. In reality, if a 15 year old boy or 17 month girl dies there are outpourings of grief from close friends & relatives & an abundance of photos and video as this is part of the? digital world we live in. Only a handful of eye witnesses to a crime of such magnitude. A short video tribute by a female friend of Nathan Belhadj is taken from the very balcony where Nordine Amrani allegedly perpetrated the killings MORE
Thousands of mourners on the streets of Liege tired of violence and hatred and austerity and? corporate corruption. 40% of those marchers have mortgages do they know that a mortgage is a scam, which they are paying off a mortgage that is already paid off by their government! What would they do if they found out that was the truth? Would they just comply or die? Would they do anything about it? Or are they just so full of fear they decline to critiscize or complain at all?
How do governments find money to fight endless wars, occupations and to finance vast amounts of Secret Service agencies and social think tanks SEARCH FOR COMMON PURPOSE & DEMOS. The money comes from a war chest made? up of annuities quietly stolen from secret accounts based on the birth certifcates and rights of millions of it's sovereign citizens CORRUPTION on the highest scale imaginable. As a British Citizen i have an unlimited access to my countries wealth of which i see very little.
I like Belgium very much, a country i have visited on holiday. I like the culture and friendliness of the Belgian people if some of my opinions hurt people's feelings it? is because i am trying to expose the lies, deceit and corruption of governments who represent the corrupt, greedy corporate world that enslaves us all. I want equality, freedom, justice, truth, fairness, peace, is that not right to expect that from society? If so, why is that not the case?
although i can't afford it, i am unemployed, i would like to return to Belgium in the near future to possibly meet the? person who threatened to cut my head off because i dare to treat a muslim as equal. EVERYBODY IS EQUAL THERE IS NO ARGUMENT TO THAT Mr Sarkozy, Mr Barroso, Mrs Merkel & Mr Cameron.


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