Friday, 2 March 2012

controlled opposition


I am not talking about double agents here, or am i?!! It has been well-documented that The Corporate Elite who control us have a designated interest in how we think and they find methods to continue to control us. What they do (and they have been doing it for thousands of years) they invent or infiltrate "the opposition". That could be left or right wing, catholic or protestant, black or white, muslim or christian, god worshipper or atheist. As you know, they have the resources to do this. They also do this in wars and they reap the benefit of profit from both sides too; nothing new there.
In politics, and it is more appropriate to talk about let's  say the last 40 years of British Politics. Left wing politicians of the past, Tony Benn, Michael Foot, Neil Kinnock, Dennis Skinner. I won't mention anymore but you know the type. Basically, all from public school background with the probable exception of Kinnock and Skinner. They all blatantly gave opinions the exact opposite of the Tory Government or opposition-i.e. they told you exactly what you wanted to hear. For somebody like me growing up in the seventies it was re-assuring to find that there were people representing us who cared about social justice. Now i know, well i don't know for certain that they were probably controlled. They must have been clever enough to understand what was going on.
Step forward to the present day and we have the Balls & The Millibands coming up with the exact opposite opinion to The Tory Government yet while in power Labour were introducing similar policies The Tories just continued the agenda.
Apply all this rhetoric to the truth movement. Alex Jones & David Icke for instance.
 In David Icke's case, what came first the chicken or the egg. We all know his story, a profeessional footballer from a working class background, his career ends prematurely due to an injury and he takes up journalism. David is no duck egg, he had the determination and intelligence to carve out a career. Years later, he hears a voice in his head telling him that everything is wrong with the world (to paraphrase) and that everyone should know about it. At some time or the other truthers like ourselves do listen to our conscience and decide why we are here and become determined to find the truth; it becomes our mission. There has to be some kind of catalystic event to wake us up. We become loyal to our dogma in a way and we are ultimately controlled by whoever controls the truth movement. Blind Loyalty? I am analysing David it doesn't mean i don't trust him, i am just saying the jury is out on all of them. As Mike Cooper( North East Truth) said "the truth movement and the fascination with it is like a counter culture", very wise words. I think i have said enough about David Icke for now, i would like your opinions on whether he is genuine or not or whether the powers that be give him a free reign because they can see where it is all going to end and they rely on his determination. One of David's phrases is "we are living in a world of confusion" too right we are but it became vastly more confused when the internet came along. THINK!!!
Briefly, i would like to talk about Charlie Veitch. Is Charlie controlled opposition or has he been compromised? Firstly, he stupidly pretends to be a Rockerfeller which bizarrely makes a large amount of his followers distrust him. Then a few months later he is debunked on the bbc 9/11 documentary "The 9/11 conspiracy road trip" a Tavistock organised event if ever i saw one. Basically he was debunked. Was he forced to go on the trip and or get paid vast amounts of money? He may not be in the position to testify, especially if he has been threatened. If you look into the timeline there, was it a coincidence he was debunked in September 9/11, well actually before then. For a million dollars of fresh air money i would probably join the enemy, i am only human and my survival instinct kicks in. After that what i could do is up to my conscience. When you step out of line, for instance, Margaret Thatcher, JFK, Robin Cook, Ronald Reagan(possibly), David Kelly, you know what happens. In Thatcher's case she was bundled out of office.
Nick Clegg is the ultimate in controlled opposition, there is no need for me to clarify that, i will not mention Arthur Scargill but maybe leave that for somebody else to research.
ALEX JONES- a very good highly paid actor or genuine truther? Is it possible he could be both? Alex's story goes back to around the time David Icke came out, another coincidence?!!
A man whose determination beggars belief. What would you do in his shoes? I would take a holiday for one, regularly. With the technology he has at his disposal he could vlog from Hawaii, no problem Alex, we trust you, you deserve a holiday mate. You never see any of the staff in Alex's studio but they are there in the background just like in the film Network(e.g a control room) with Peter Finch. He has a sophisticated news feed and is able to penetrate google search at any time. An endless feed of propaganda not seen since world war two. He has an endless amount of guests who basically all agree with him in Solidarity: Alan Watt, Jesse Ventura, Webster Tarpely, Bob Chapman, Gerard Cilente etc etc. That lot, controlled opposition? There is definitely a possibility that they are and that includes The Tea Party, The Green Party, Unesco, Occupy Movement, BNP, UKIP  and numerous others. Do not mention the war or The Zionist Agenda. Where is my evidence for Alex Jones' part in all of this? The evidence is in everything he knows and everything on his channels and websites. I digress. I might provide some examples of the alex jones channel but i don't think i will bother.
Where does this leave us? i hear you ask. Well, in the shit basically. However, i remain optimistic. "Be the change you want to see" as Ghandi famously said. The Freeman movement and the LAWFUL REBELLION backed by THE LAWFUL BANK is our only way out of this MATRIX mess. Unless, you can find another solution?!!


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