Friday, 2 March 2012

liege false event

liege false event (unfinished)

Thanks mate. It took a while to sink in but i can see it clearly now. Infact, it's laughable. I have already been threatened because of my opinions but i know i am right so it's worth putting up with childish abuse in the quest for the truth? and justice. I know and agree about The Giffords Hoax and there is The UTOYA ISLAND MASSACRE HOAX too. :-)
@LifePsyop you mean just like Oslo/Utoya & 7/7 & 9/11. And people did not know this, hence, the confusion, panic, and chaos.? Please join me in my other discussions about this, people will find this very interesting.
no sign of smoke, just emergency vehicles and their sirens. The Police knew his name so quick. They knew where he lived. Under so-called anti-terrorism laws they had the right to detain this man before he committed a serious crime. What is? the point of following him and then letting him go and do such a heinous act?
Obviously, this is a false flag or fake event designed to stir up racial hatred and fear in Belgium & Europe. No pictures of the gunman yet? And he was being followed by Police but no photos released yet? Very little footage from digital cameras, well, maybe people switched them? off while they were shopping.

@NikkiUploads so Nikki, who do you trust your own judgement or that of the? media? I am not a troll i only give my opinion. No-one died, so, why should anyone be upset? Where is your evidence? How would you explain this in a Crown Court? Would you just show tv news clips?

He is not known for any terrorist attacks but now he is. The Police knew him but they didn't know enough about him to? prevent an attack of this nature. Maybe Amrani was one of them?!!
one gun and? only 3 grenades? an amazing and tragic feat of logistical impossibility. So? he had a van which the police may have followed? He had no mental health problems but kept firearms in his home? No mental health problems, so, he must have been MIND-CONTROLLED!
@PurdyBear1 when we see the funeral of the alleged child in a little coffin then we can cry real tears. The terrorists wear suits and sit in parliament, wear crowns and robes and? sit on thrones.
@PurdyBear1 you've been through a lot! don't take it seriously it's just corporate? propaganda. Surely you don't believe everything you hear in the news? If you do, then, you don't have a mind of your own.
think? the parents of the 17month old child who died, know it happened.
Unless youv been in a situation like this, which I have, please keep you negative comments to yourself. Maybe when your on the recieving end of a gun or terrorist bomb you might be a bit more compassionate.
Try coming to the UK and London for a bit, and see how you far you get next time, or do you believe 52 people didnt die in 7/7 and the other terrorist and gun crime attacks we've been through.

No CCTV in Liege? Maybe it wasn't? working?!! Mobile phones not working!
Operation GLADIO ...? Google it.
Probably an anti-terror drill? they played off as real news you? mean just like Oslo/Utoya & 7/7 & 9/11. And people did not know this, hence,? the confusion, panic, and chaos.
"A Policeman shot a man dead" Good shot! He had explosives in his possession he was dangerous. Obviously, The Police were on the scene very quickly but not quick enough to stop him killing 5 people. "people were crying, they did not know what had happened". Maybe they did not hear the explosions but were running away because they saw many Police & Ambulance vehicles and would presume something very serious? had happened?
They? really need to find better voice actors to play these "witnesses"
The Police cordoned off the area incase anyone who is suspect could try and escape? Gaspard is very brave he stayed in the area, not running for his life like everyone else? and the policeman who would not know exactly what is going on was able to tell him what had happened.
So, The Police cordoned off the area incase anyone who is suspect could try and escape? Gaspard is very brave he stayed in the area, not running for his life like everyone else? and the policeman who would not know exactly what is going on was able to tell him what had happened
@rebelsoulkd I appreciate that my friend, all of us on? here are just speculating anyway. There are no rules to the forum people should make up their own minds using intellect and intuition. I am just trying to wake people up to the truth. I am an honest person, i have no agenda but to find the truth. Do you have a Mortgage? If so, are you aware that it is and in many cases a fraudulent scam? If you have a freehold property you may be able to claim the land called an EASEMENT outside front

ll the members of the table(except one) had hands clasped in a defensive position, classic body language traits of a guilty person who is hiding the truth. I look forward to any further conferences with more information collated. And if justice prevails we see a Trial under? oath TELEVISED WORLDWIDE.

She says he had a gun (a rifle) and a machine gun and? grenades. It's funny that nobody has described what the man was wearing if he was hiding guns in his clothing.
The? lady spokesperson is flanked by two gentleman in suits, why are they there at the conference? Are they there to show solidarity and to back up the official story. Their body language suggests they have somrthing to hide. Watch the eyes of the man on the right and his hands are crossed tight.

 NO HELICOPTERS IN BELGIUM??? No-one died it's all fake. An anti terror drill passed off as? real news. WONT GET FOOLED AGAIN?!! OH YES, YOU HAVE BEEN FOOLED.

am English i detest any racial hatred of any ethnic groups. I detest the governments of Nato who slaughter innocent civilians in the name of peace and in the name of oil. Our own governments with endless policies designed to destroy our? family values, our economy and install their outdated democracy on the unsuspecting people of Africa & The Middle East. I detest lies and falseness, i approve of free speech and equality. end of part one.MORE
According to Western Media (belgian included) the media who lied about 9/11, Afghanistan, Monsanto, Utoya Island Massacre, The vietnam War are to be trusted to convey the truth to an obedient population. The names of the victims and the photos are not those of the alleged victims they are only hearsay. The evidence provided to prove that a crime was committed would not stand up in court. Trial by Media has no place? in modern society but Common Law has in all countries. end of part two MORE
There are very few photos of the alleged gunman and only one picture of his dead body. In reality, if a 15 year old boy or 17 month girl dies there are outpourings of grief from close friends & relatives & an abundance of photos and video as this is part of the? digital world we live in. Only a handful of eye witnesses to a crime of such magnitude. A short video tribute by a female friend of Nathan Belhadj is taken from the very balcony where Nordine Amrani allegedly perpetrated the killings MORE
Thousands of mourners on the streets of Liege tired of violence and hatred and austerity and? corporate corruption. 40% of those marchers have mortgages do they know that a mortgage is a scam, which they are paying off a mortgage that is already paid off by their government! What would they do if they found out that was the truth? Would they just comply or die? Would they do anything about it? Or are they just so full of fear they decline to critiscize or complain at all?
How do governments find money to fight endless wars, occupations and to finance vast amounts of Secret Service agencies and social think tanks SEARCH FOR COMMON PURPOSE & DEMOS. The money comes from a war chest made? up of annuities quietly stolen from secret accounts based on the birth certifcates and rights of millions of it's sovereign citizens CORRUPTION on the highest scale imaginable. As a British Citizen i have an unlimited access to my countries wealth of which i see very little.
I like Belgium very much, a country i have visited on holiday. I like the culture and friendliness of the Belgian people if some of my opinions hurt people's feelings it? is because i am trying to expose the lies, deceit and corruption of governments who represent the corrupt, greedy corporate world that enslaves us all. I want equality, freedom, justice, truth, fairness, peace, is that not right to expect that from society? If so, why is that not the case?
although i can't afford it, i am unemployed, i would like to return to Belgium in the near future to possibly meet the? person who threatened to cut my head off because i dare to treat a muslim as equal. EVERYBODY IS EQUAL THERE IS NO ARGUMENT TO THAT Mr Sarkozy, Mr Barroso, Mrs Merkel & Mr Cameron.


controlled opposition


I am not talking about double agents here, or am i?!! It has been well-documented that The Corporate Elite who control us have a designated interest in how we think and they find methods to continue to control us. What they do (and they have been doing it for thousands of years) they invent or infiltrate "the opposition". That could be left or right wing, catholic or protestant, black or white, muslim or christian, god worshipper or atheist. As you know, they have the resources to do this. They also do this in wars and they reap the benefit of profit from both sides too; nothing new there.
In politics, and it is more appropriate to talk about let's  say the last 40 years of British Politics. Left wing politicians of the past, Tony Benn, Michael Foot, Neil Kinnock, Dennis Skinner. I won't mention anymore but you know the type. Basically, all from public school background with the probable exception of Kinnock and Skinner. They all blatantly gave opinions the exact opposite of the Tory Government or opposition-i.e. they told you exactly what you wanted to hear. For somebody like me growing up in the seventies it was re-assuring to find that there were people representing us who cared about social justice. Now i know, well i don't know for certain that they were probably controlled. They must have been clever enough to understand what was going on.
Step forward to the present day and we have the Balls & The Millibands coming up with the exact opposite opinion to The Tory Government yet while in power Labour were introducing similar policies The Tories just continued the agenda.
Apply all this rhetoric to the truth movement. Alex Jones & David Icke for instance.
 In David Icke's case, what came first the chicken or the egg. We all know his story, a profeessional footballer from a working class background, his career ends prematurely due to an injury and he takes up journalism. David is no duck egg, he had the determination and intelligence to carve out a career. Years later, he hears a voice in his head telling him that everything is wrong with the world (to paraphrase) and that everyone should know about it. At some time or the other truthers like ourselves do listen to our conscience and decide why we are here and become determined to find the truth; it becomes our mission. There has to be some kind of catalystic event to wake us up. We become loyal to our dogma in a way and we are ultimately controlled by whoever controls the truth movement. Blind Loyalty? I am analysing David it doesn't mean i don't trust him, i am just saying the jury is out on all of them. As Mike Cooper( North East Truth) said "the truth movement and the fascination with it is like a counter culture", very wise words. I think i have said enough about David Icke for now, i would like your opinions on whether he is genuine or not or whether the powers that be give him a free reign because they can see where it is all going to end and they rely on his determination. One of David's phrases is "we are living in a world of confusion" too right we are but it became vastly more confused when the internet came along. THINK!!!
Briefly, i would like to talk about Charlie Veitch. Is Charlie controlled opposition or has he been compromised? Firstly, he stupidly pretends to be a Rockerfeller which bizarrely makes a large amount of his followers distrust him. Then a few months later he is debunked on the bbc 9/11 documentary "The 9/11 conspiracy road trip" a Tavistock organised event if ever i saw one. Basically he was debunked. Was he forced to go on the trip and or get paid vast amounts of money? He may not be in the position to testify, especially if he has been threatened. If you look into the timeline there, was it a coincidence he was debunked in September 9/11, well actually before then. For a million dollars of fresh air money i would probably join the enemy, i am only human and my survival instinct kicks in. After that what i could do is up to my conscience. When you step out of line, for instance, Margaret Thatcher, JFK, Robin Cook, Ronald Reagan(possibly), David Kelly, you know what happens. In Thatcher's case she was bundled out of office.
Nick Clegg is the ultimate in controlled opposition, there is no need for me to clarify that, i will not mention Arthur Scargill but maybe leave that for somebody else to research.
ALEX JONES- a very good highly paid actor or genuine truther? Is it possible he could be both? Alex's story goes back to around the time David Icke came out, another coincidence?!!
A man whose determination beggars belief. What would you do in his shoes? I would take a holiday for one, regularly. With the technology he has at his disposal he could vlog from Hawaii, no problem Alex, we trust you, you deserve a holiday mate. You never see any of the staff in Alex's studio but they are there in the background just like in the film Network(e.g a control room) with Peter Finch. He has a sophisticated news feed and is able to penetrate google search at any time. An endless feed of propaganda not seen since world war two. He has an endless amount of guests who basically all agree with him in Solidarity: Alan Watt, Jesse Ventura, Webster Tarpely, Bob Chapman, Gerard Cilente etc etc. That lot, controlled opposition? There is definitely a possibility that they are and that includes The Tea Party, The Green Party, Unesco, Occupy Movement, BNP, UKIP  and numerous others. Do not mention the war or The Zionist Agenda. Where is my evidence for Alex Jones' part in all of this? The evidence is in everything he knows and everything on his channels and websites. I digress. I might provide some examples of the alex jones channel but i don't think i will bother.
Where does this leave us? i hear you ask. Well, in the shit basically. However, i remain optimistic. "Be the change you want to see" as Ghandi famously said. The Freeman movement and the LAWFUL REBELLION backed by THE LAWFUL BANK is our only way out of this MATRIX mess. Unless, you can find another solution?!!


paul is alive or dead-a look behind the beatles story


february 2012

The two tours of Hamburg designed to toughen up and sharpen up the beatles act-it is now doubtful that those tours took place at all. The only witnesses for the first tour are Klaus Voormann and Astrid Kirchner and the remaining beatles .
The story that a young man went into Nems shop asking for the beatles record will stay legend as for me it doesn't make sense. How could Brian Epstein not know anything about the local music scene and The Beatles appearing at the Cavern? He then watches them and decides that they are charming and very talented and offers to manage them. Epstein decides to manage a band in a cut throat industry without him having any previous experience. Obviously Brian had all this worked out beforehand or did the Tavistock Institute?
The songwriting
I have feared for many years that The Beatles didn't write their own songs-well, not all of them. It seems too obvious to me that four ordinary men-however charming and talented they are could write such a catalogue of popular songs in such a short space in time.
Recently-Alan Watt has claimed that musical genious Theodore Adorno wrote all the songs-yet that theory could also be thrown out as ludicrous too.
Early days-you would have thought that The Beatles would have written lyrics of songs and been prolific but the rough lyrics would have to have been edited and tidied up in some place like The Tavistock Institute which theoretically has the resources to do so-especially if they also run and finance the record industry itself.
The scribbled notes of beatle-penned songs roughly written on paper or whatever they could get their hands on-is not proof that they wrote them and they include no musical notes.
It is possible that the beatles can claim credit for lyrics only but to have written the melodies for all those songs is unlikely as they admitted themselves to having very little written musical knowledge.
Once their careers were established rough demo tapes were produced by The Beatles (allegedly) but the main genius was done by the likes of George Martin, Geoff Emerich, Norman Smith etal with their studio wizardry (majick). The arguing about first choice single a-sides may have been a smokescreen to hide the fact who the real songwriters were. In my opinion-the tavistock hired a multitude of songwriters and technicians to come up with their songs which were tailored to their social engineering plan of musical and cultural revolution for the western world.
The decision to go to America was a cultural one and not really a financial one but the bloodsuckers of the financial world still waited with baited breath for the chance to make their fortune on the back of this.
The rumour that The Beatles attended the Tavistock to learn manners and deportment was probably fact and all part of the plan. Who ordered them to go to the Tavistock and did they know by then not to question orders from above? As John Lennon alluded to in later interviews post beatles split-it was hell being in The Beatles and he says he wrote "Help" and that is how he was feeling at the time-he literally needed help. He also stated in later interviews that the beatles were sometimes the biggest bastards in the world- i ask "what did they do to register that?".
A Hard Days night- a very successful movie and superbly written was in itself an excellent vehicle to show off the image of The Beatles characters as opposed to what they were really like-this was the image that The Powers That Be wanted to project onto the world and into the minds of the youth.
Words and terms were invented like:
Teenager, Groovy, Cool, Fab, Gear which were cleverly scribed by Tavistock.
Everything the Beatles did from now on became public property or a publicity stunt.
The Tour Of America.
The screaming fans at concerts.
The Maureen Cleave interview.
The Movies
The trip to India
The Magical Mystery Tour
Let it be movie
None of it spontaneous-all of it organised as part of an elaborate plan. Meanwhile in the background the team of songwriters and technicians were organising the Paul is Dead Story and the backwards messages along with the symbolism-many of which remained elusive to the naked idea.
Those involved-including the supporting staff inc. Mal Evans, Neil Aspinall, Derek Taylor, Brian Epstein and supprting journalists and novel writers must have had some idea what was going on but dare not upset the apple cart when they realised the grand scale of the deception and what was involved.
The Paul is alive or dead story itself
Personally, i believe he is alive but i am only about 80% sure. Why did they invent this Paul is dead story, as some kind of a publicity stunt? What could they hope to gain from it? Is it just an elaborate hoax to distract us from finding out the real truth that The Beatles didn't write their own songs? I have watched several documentaries on this subject plus numerous interviews involving the beatles and their cohorts. I have watched The Winged Beatle" series..The Rotten Apple series and the excellent impartial "Cranberry Sauce". I have changed my mind on numerous occasions but i have come to the conclusion that there are occult elements involved in this story and the resurrecting of it thanks to iamaphoney and his infamous youtube videos which are occultish and brainwashing in themselves. Paul McCartney must know an awful lot about this publicity stunt than he is letting on.
The clues of paul is dead story
The fact the Beatles stopped touring in 1966
The strange pseudonyms used by Macca-Ian Iachimoe (which is Paul Mccartney spoken backwards) Iachimoe's involvement in the newspaper The Process.
The Asher-Macca break up.
The story of paul dying breaking through into the mainstream press (who controls the media?)
Paul's involvement with Burroughs, Miles and even Charles Manson. Paul & John's interest in the occult and Aleister Crowley.
The Sharon Tate murders
The break up of the beatles
The death of Mal Evans
The death of Brian Epstein
The death of John Lennon
The death of George Harrison
The death of Neil Aspinall and toi a certain extent Derek Taylor.
The revelation of Heather Mills and her box of secrets
The lyrics of Lennon's How Do You sleep (see below)
So Sgt. Pepper took you by surprise
You better see right through that mother's eyes
Those freaks was right when they said you was dead
The one mistake you made was in your head
Ah, how do you sleep?
Ah, how do you sleep at night?
You live with straights who tell you you was king
Jump when your momma tell you anything
The only thing you done was yesterday
And since you're gone you're just another day
Ah, how do you sleep?
Ah, how do you sleep at night?
Ah, how do you sleep?
Ah, how do you sleep at night?
A pretty face may last a year or two
But pretty soon they'll see what you can do
The sound you make is muzak to my ears
You must have learned something in all those years
Ah, how do you sleep?
Ah, how do you sleep at night?
for background information
I refer you to The Laurel Canyon series written by  Dave McGowan  John Lennon The Final Interview BBC Radio 1 December 6th 1980 with Andy Peebles  1 of 5 John Lennon - "The Rolling Stone Interview" - December 8, 1970, Part 1

everbeyondradio-jaypee including short interview with me:


Four years after writing the original blog i think the chance that Paul McCartney in 1966 on 9/11 at 5am when the day begins is now 2% or less. There is still a little doubt, are the powers that be, daft or clever enough to be able to pull off such a hoax, yes or would they have the confidence to kill off the murder of a well known and much-loved musician, yes. However, the damage has been done, an attack on the already fragile consciessness of the western population suggests, yes, a lie is possible, anything is possible that to reveal a hoax can do some damage and cause divide and conquer chaos.

The powers that be, and who they are does not need to be discussed, see the work of ************** and David Icke. TPTB like, and enjoy the thrill of controlling and manipulating the slaves of the western civilisation for their own profit and amusement. Their motives are psychopathic in a psychopathic pyramid system called capitalism or socialism whatever you want to call it, they call us THE DEAD. TPTB have planned ahead for many many years for the internet and the social network phenomenon, you can see it in Fiction by Aldous Huxley, HG Wells, George Orwell, Ian Fleming, Philip K Dick, Isaac Asimov, George C Clarke etc. They knew youtube and facebook was coming, so they planted seeds of doubt, in their quest to control and mind fuck the population ie BRAINWASHING. They had succeeded over hundreds of years through printed media, spoken word and then the visual medium of television and cinema to project their version of history which suited their agenda. To change history. Those that hold the reigns will change history and invent new mediums, religions to spread their propaganda of bread and circuses.
The Beatles were talented and had the look, they were in the right place at the right time, or is it possible they were chosen several years before? Highlighted at school, anybody with exceptional talent was to be monitored and steered into position, it does sound far-fetched. The offer of fame, money and cultural-creativeness would in my opinion be enough but yes there would've been a time when they knew they had been had and their careers were not their own and maybe went along with it, but they had no choice anyway.
In my opinion the paul is dead hoax was back-dated using technology and clever technicians and playwrights in a pre-internet world preparing for the digital revolution which i suppose started in earnest in the mid 1990's. The motives for this could've been for money but as i have said before it is something more sinister than that. The reference to Aleister Crowley, backmasking and satanism is disturbing, when you look at the antics of Skull & Bones, The Klu-Klux-Klan, Hollywood Babylon, Freemason lodges and the christian church you begin to wonder what kind of a world lies on the surface, which not in your face but seems to linger in the underbelly of society. We live in a post WAG THE DOG Movie digital world where everything we do is monitored and scrutinised, the world has changed, a brave new world of Universal Credit and digital slavery. Everything is manipulated, digitally and mentally, the paul is dead hoax is just another very small part of it. It is fake but can be belived to be real and/or possible. A blurring of reality and virtual reality, a madman's wet dream. What next, Artificial Intelligence. There are many references on youtube and elsewhere on the internet to help illuminate what i am getting at here. I recommend the excellent channel four (UK) tv series Black Mirror, in particular the episodes "15 million merits" and "the everything of you".
Do not let the stories and imagery spoil your love of the music of the beatles, do not let the bastards grind you down,i am a beatles fan, yes, all this evil leaves a nasty taste in my mouth like Syria or Racism or any kind of discrimination does. They well mess with your heads, bring you to the brink of extinction, deprive you of all the essentials of life and then stab you in the back. Your job in life is to resist their temptation, resist their negativityand lead by example, listen to your conscience. Equality is Compassion. Question Everything. be continued

March 11th 2017
Theory 2b.
Was the enigma code a preliminary/early precept to the Internet
They were whisked off to secret recording sessions September 66 under the hand of a carefully selected and highly trained group of consultants chemists engineers to record and keep the tapes in mi6 vaults. Maybe they were drugged, maybe they were brainwashed, maybe Paul went on his own. Anyway, Paul came back a different person with a new lucrative contract and then the other Beatles signed what they thought was a new lucrative contract stage 2 of the Beatles career. Brian epstein would get a enormous golden handshake.
Paul was put asleep and his larynx operated on to affect his voice
Mike Williams sageofQuay
. com
Thomas uharriet is a fictitious pseudonym
No9 dream
Viv stanshall stood down
All Beatles were freemasons
The handlers
Macca was stood down and acted as a consultant and would step in if the fraud showed signs of breaking up/fragmenting.
Yoko Ono turned up around the time of the Paul replacement - late 1966.

Movie - Let him be. Mark staycer

November 7th 2017

In 2017 people interested in the Paul McCartney mystery have been involved in online discussions and going deeper down the rabbit hole. Search on youtube for TINA FOSTER, MARK DEVLIN, MIKE WILLIAMS (THE SAGE OF QUAY) and videos by THE JUNGLE SURFER, THOSE CONSPIRACY GUYS and MR SANDPIT 123 among many others. The discussions are slowly getting to the motive of this PSYOP and it is a Psychological Operation in my opinion.

So called Terrorist Attacks like 9/11, 7/7, Sandy Hook, Oslo, Manchester Arena, Paris, Nice and Westminster Bridge show very little hard facts that anyone actually died. I feel that the so called Paul Is Dead mystery is a psyop on those same lines, did anyone actually die or were the deaths of Paul McCartney(allegedly), john Lennon, Mal Evans and Brian Epstein not just hoaxes co-ordinated by the same people who set up the CIA and MI6, those same people who engineered 9/11 and all the other Psyops. Jesuit, Zionist, Elitist families think that they have a perceived write to control all our lives. They are Control Freaks, Psychopathic, Satanic and are consistently deceptive as they follow their Luciferian and Satanic Agendas. They have a tendency to continue to change historical facts and manipulate through the mainstream media and the internet, by brainwashing our minds. causing confusion, chaos, stress and hardship. Their agenda, and they like to tell us what it is, has been formed through their freemason lackeys and their cronies who do their dirty work in entertainment and big business, with The Beatles and their contemparies at the forefront of an engineered social and musical change. I believe that either The Beatles were sons of Freemasons or that they were offered the privilege once they achieved stardom with the promise of more fame, wealth and power. We don't know for certain that the fab four were freemasons but because these elitist cronies do things in secret you can bet that at some point that the beatles were co-opted into the fraternity.

UPDATE 19/08/18
Exploring the theory that the Beatles were lifetime actors playing the part of a musical group, in my opinion, they showed us in plain sight how they did it in A HARD DAYS NIGHT and how they destroyed it in the movie LET IT BE.

In my opinion, all four Beatles being Freemasons, they were cocky/confident that they knew being connected means you can guarantee success. Freemasons own all music venues, record shops, record companies, mainstream media. Songwriters were lined up before the Beatles were on the scene on both sides of the Atlantic. Songs were to be written according to the agenda directive and social engineering and to align with the image of the group. Whether The Beatles wrote their own songs is debatable, it is obvious to me that the Beatles rough demos were engineered into popular songs by technicians and academically trained musicians. The Beatles as individuals may i have wrote snippets of poetry on scrap pieces of paper and handed them to the tavistock technicians to be tidied up. The tavistock writers could have produced rough demos of songs and asked The Beatles to add lyrics and so on. Having individual credits for Beatles songs would have been more realistic but would that have displayed a unified outfit all working in the right direction? Once The Beatles became more experienced they may have produced their own work, maybe from 1968 onwards when Brian Epstein was no longer around and William Shepherd arrived on the scene.

In my opinion, The Beatles success story was meant to start in 1960 at the start of the decade and end in 1970 at the end of the decade. For some reason, the powers that be felt that they were not ready to explode onto the scene and that is why they were sent to Hamburg for extensive touring and coaching.

UPDATE 16/11/18
While preparing to update this blog, i thought of a reason, that, if Paul McCartney was taken out/murdered by secret services, then, what was the reason and who did it? The Satanic influences behind the music industry could have ordered Faul aka William Shepherd to claim the right to "take a shot of his life" take the place of biological Paul by having to kill him in some sort of mad, macabre, medieval ritual. I believe the replacement was planned once it was decided that The Beatles were going to be mega-successful, i guess this would be around 1965 (possibly earlier). I feel that Faul is a freemason, did learn his trade for a few years in the music industry (and also learnt to act)
under an assumed name which in all cases he was un-credited, no need to ask his name, no paper trail. Shepherd is not his real name and that makes it harder to trace his ancestry. The original four Beatles, plus Epstein, Evans & Aspinall may have used false names for the same reason i have just stated.
Because of the secrecy and the tight lips of all those involved in The Beatles Career, we have to resort to guesswork to come up with these theories on what happened to Paul. My theory is this Timeline as follows:
AUG 29 1966 The day of what was to be The Beatles final ever official tour gig. Of course they did not know this at the time, well, that is the official version we are meant to know. By then, i think that the Dark Hand behind the beatles had decided their fate and drawn up a new improved contract. The new deal was offered to The Beatles, either in the USA during their short August tour or when they got back home to the UK. It would be easier to do this in the USA while on tour, giving them time to read it at leisure. I think that each contract would be different for each Beatle and that Paul refused outright to have anything to do with it. The the dark hand forced John and the other Beatles along with Brian to persuade Paul to sign. Knowing what we know now about the Satanic Music Industry and their contracts, by not signing he was surplus to requirements. Whether they knew Paul would not sign and comply and knew or that Paul had a feeling he was going to be replaced, i don't know. Possibly, his contract was to work in the background but it was the replacement who got all the fame and attention. Maybe Paul called their bluff, not thinking they would dare get rid of one of the world's most popular and talented superstars. Thirteen days after the Candlestick Park gig James Paul McCartney allegedly dies in a car crash after storming out of a late recording session.
 The other three Beatles are told about the alleged fatal car crash and are shown photographs of the wreckage etc. Of course at first they believe it but in the end they realise their backs are against the wall and comply with the dark hand's request, knowing that the fame and fortune would continue if they kept their mouths shut. In the months to follow they might have been under no illusion that the songs they were recording and the clues that were placed on the sgt pepper album cover were suggesting something sinister. The Beatles new deal, signed in 1966 and realising fruition with the release Of Strawberry Fields/Penny Lane double a-side and the Sgt Pepper album in 1967 to 1970, this was the dawn of a new band, a funeral and a resurrection with dark satanic overtones and subliminal messages which in many cases were not detected until the start of youtube and the Iamaphoney Rotten Apple videos. From 1967 The Beatles image was the opposite of the earlier lovable moptops in a revalation of Duality. The good turns bad but remains popular. The songs slated for the sergeant pepper sessions were in the pipeline before the new deal was finalised, written lyrically by unknown Tavistock Operatives while The Beatles were touring America. So, unless The Beatles success was guaranteed from the start in 1962, and everything planned in advance, how could the beatles write songs about Paul's death.
 The Dark Hand knew that Flower Power and the Hippy Dream was going to end at the end of the decade and The Beatles would be disbanded too. Altamont and the death of The Rolling Stones fan, plus the murder of Jimi Hendrix were the final nails in the coffin of optimism. What if the Dark Hand knew that they were going to sacrifice one of the four beatles to pay for their fame? Was Paul chosen many years before or was it on a throw of the dice or an absurd game of Russian Roulette? What if John was the one to be sacrificed and they had his replacement lined up as well? Would it be simple or in my mind, quite difficult to record the sergeant pepper songs and backwards messages so that the clues said John instead of Paul? These are questions that you should ask, bearing in mind that the dark hand are Satanic Psychopaths. So, it wouldn't surprise the thousands of people worldwide who have shoved their hands down the satanic rabbit hole that these people were capable of such evil acts. That they decided once The Beatles successful that they would kill one of the four to pay for the wealth and fame that was given to them and to leave clues about that death in their large body of work post 1966 to be debated 50 years later after their planned 9/11 and The New World Order.>>>>